Wednesday, February 01, 2006


I've been working on another little project, so even though I actually have some stuff I'd like to talk about, I probably won't get to it until tonight at the earliest.

One thought though: Media day is usually, without a doubt, the most boring day of the year (and this includes watching the 3 AM replay of the 40-yard sprints from the NFL Combine -- Maurice Clarett's glacial 5.3 excluded, of course) but there was some high comedy at yesterday's get together. But more on that later. In the meantime, you can watch it here (look for the "Media Day video: Steelers" link). And don't forget, when in doubt, Keep on Keepin' on.

Oh, and one quick post script. I just read Bill Simmons' latest and ... wait for it ... he throws in a few "Jerome Bettis is fat" jokes. Yeah, I was surprised too. He also made some weird comments about how the Bus "was clearly laboring during the second half of the Broncos game ..." Uh, if you say so, although I'm not sure how you could even see the TV with your head so far up Tom Brady's ass. Hey, I'm just sayin'. More later.