Friday, April 07, 2006

Nothing to See Here

Alrighty, I've got nothing. The Sox were off last night and even though there's been a ground swell of support for the return of the Offseason Round Files, that'll have to wait until next week (in addition to about a million other things I'd like to get to before the draft). In the meantime, here's something to keep you busy: Bill Toland of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette takes a stroll through the blogosphere (yeah, I'm not crazy about the word "blogosphere" -- in fact I think this is the first time I've ever typed it; it's kinda like using "duvet" to describe a blanket, but I digress) and offers a mini-profile of this here site. (And he even mentions CPW. Nice.) So thanks to Mr. Toland for the laudatory review, and this might even inspire me to actually write something worth reading in the near future. We'll see.