Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I'm Not Dead...

...Just extremely lazy -- but you already knew that. Luckily, I have other excuses, so here goes: I was on vacation last week. That doesn't explain the previous month of inactivity, but I have that covered, too: we got a puppy.

For those of you who don't have dogs, or are adept at raising them, that might not sound like much, but my schedule -- staying up till 1-2AM and getting up around 7:30 -- abruptly changed the day we brought Gabe (yellow lab! great with kids! officially a middle-class automaton!) home. I now try to be in bed by 11PM because I know I'll be up at 5AM (at the latest) to start the day.

Oh, and then there's the whole "As a 10-week-old puppy, I will try to eat your two-year-old son -- but just know that I'm playing!" daily routine. Although, now that Gabe is 13 weeks, has learned a few commands and walks pretty well on a leash, he's starting to understand that my son's leg isn't a chew toy.

So, yeah, that's what I'm going with.

Anyway, training camp is a couple weeks off, and, Lord willing, I hope to be around for it. And who knows, maybe even the 2009 season, as well. In the meantime, any dog advice is welcome (encouraged even), and feel free to use this thread to discuss what happens to the Steelers offense if Limas Sweed wins the No. 3 WR job. (I don't think it'll be a problem -- Heath can be the unofficial No. 3, or Arians can find ways to get Mendenhall involved coming out of the backfield. Or, who knows, maybe Sweed will make the second-year jump and won't ever drop another touchdown pass during the conference championship.)

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